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2015年11月7~11日にかけてISPOR第18回ヨーロッパ会議が開催され、能登真一、森脇健介が出席し、研究発表を行いました。 (International society for pharmacoeconomics and outcome research 18th Annual European Congress. MiCo - Milano Congressi Milan, Italy.2015.11.7-11.) 

  • Noto S, Izumi R, Shiroiwa T, Igarashi A, Ikeda S, Fukuda T, Saito S, Shimozuma K, Kobayashi M, Moriwaki K, Ishida H. Comparison between the interim EQ-5D-5L score and the new Japanese scoring in stroke patients.
  • Moriwaki K, Noto S. Validation of fracture risk model in Japanese women compared with FRAX.
  • Shiroiwa T, Fukuda T, Ikeda S, Igarashi A, Noto S, Saito S, Shimozuma K. Japanese population norms for preference-based measures:: EQ-5D-3L, EQ-5D-5L, and SF-6D.